Hospitality Library

The Vocational Training Council (VTC)

Project Overview

The VTC Hospitality faculty library aims to revamp the online library. for user to do academic task. As the

The Problem

- The current web requires a redesign to make the site look more professional and trustworthy.
- The AI product requires more images to train the CNN to enhance accuracy.
- The product is currently a free online service which doesn’t generate revenue.

The Goal

Our goal is to develop an online Resource Hub that ensures easy access and control, streamlines academic tasks, and features a modern visual identity personalized to their needs, encouraging frequent use.
A responsive website design shown on laptop
To understand the reason of low usage rate, I did a quantitive research by sending out a survey to understand the overall comments to current intranet library.

Pain points:

The flow

Based on our user research, it's evident that a significant number of students favor using mobile devices to access project-related information during their commutes, while they opt for laptops when working on projects at home. This dual approach not only reflects their preference for convenience but also highlights a potential strategy to streamline their research process effectively.


We prioritize enhancing the features of note-taking tools on mobile devices, making it easier for students to research and work while commuting.

A responsive website designs shown on mobile
A responsive website designs shown on mobile
A responsive website designs shown on desktop
A responsive website designs shown on desktop
A responsive website designs shown on desktop

Brand Design

Logo guideline:Hospitality embodies quality service.Utilizing a serif typeface for the logo can effectively evoke a sense of elegance and luxury associated with high-end services. This branding not only strengthens the association of Hospitality within VTC programs, fostering a greater sense of belonging for users, but also creates a subconscious impression of upscale services.
Hospitality Library logo overlay the hotel room background
Hospitality Library logo animations

Final UI

VTC Hospitality Library